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What is the Resilience Report?

The Resilience Report provides a snapshot of the specific resilience characteristics of young people and adults and provides avenues for intervention and on going support.

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The Resilience report uses three psychometrically validated measures to assist each person to take a snapshot of their own resilience.

Each snapshot will help individuals identify these key elements:


Resilience Doughnut
Assess the strengths of their available resources.

(Developed by Lyn Worsley, 2006)

Resilience Doughnut for Adults
Assess the strengths of their available resources.

(Developed by Lyn Worsley, 2011)


Resilience Scales for Adolescents
Measure their competence.

(Developed by Odin Hjemdal & Oddgeir Friborg, 2010)

Resilience Scales for Adults
Measure their competence.

(Developed by Odin Hjemdal & Oddgeir Friborg, 2010)


Strength & Difficulties questionnaire
Track the effect of the adversities in their lives.

(Developed by Robert Goodman 2005)

Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale
To measure mental health

(Developed by Lovibond and Lovibond, 1995)

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